The Impactathon 2019 ( was an event organised by AppDynamics to bridge the gap between problems and problem-solvers. The objective of the event was to bring to the fore, issues around Water Quality and Urban Livability, and incentivise tech innovators to apply their problem-solving skills to discover disruptive solutions for these problems.

Our team Salila (Sunder, Srikanth, Shubha and Yassir) won first place from amongst many participating teams. Our solution was to remove the callibration process ( a laborious and time consuming process) while using the FFEM water quality test kit ( The team is quite thrilled that the hack will actually make it into the product
Details of the solution are here

Our team Salila (Sunder, Srikanth, Shubha and Yassir) won first place from amongst many participating teams. Our solution was to remove the callibration process ( a laborious and time consuming process) while using the FFEM water quality test kit ( The team is quite thrilled that the hack will actually make it into the product
Details of the solution are here

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