Reed Bed |
Rainbow Drive on Sarjapura Road with its 320+ recharge (with 400+ plots on 36 acres) wells is pretty much the oasis on Sarjapura Road where the borewells on their campus are able to yield sufficient water to fulfill their water demand. In addition to this they felt a need to recycle their waste water and use it appropriately.
The 2 existing STPs of about 200KL capacity required about Rs 1 lakh per month for maintenance and repairs and the water was not of expected quality at all times. This meant that they evaluated various technologies for the replacement of their STP. SBT (from IIT Mumbai) was the technology that they first considered in detail and then decided to drop for various reasons.
During implementation |
Mr KP Singh - instrumental in the implementation |
The technology that they finally decided upon was
Phytorid from
NEERI . This was to be implemented through a company called Petrichor (alumnus of IIT Guwahati). This decision came after a long study of the technical as well as financial implications of the system implementation. Involved visits to the various sites where Phytorid had already been implemented as well as several meetings with the vendors as well as NEERI. Once the committee made its recommendations it was placed before the larger resident group through several open houses that were held for all residents. All queries (including ownership of land where the plant would be setup) were discussed and resolved with great diligence. The Phytorid plant was expected to offset its investment in about 3 years time. As against the 1 lakh maintenance costs for the older STP, the new Phytorid system is expected to cost only about Rs 10,000 per month for maintenance as there only 2 motors running at any given point in time and there are no moving parts requiring repair. The costs for setting it up so far has been about 55 lakhs. . The system with a capacity to treat 250 KL of waste water has an anaerobic baffle reactor of 8m * 8m * 4m depth and a reedbed of 100ft x 30ft x 2.5m depth 300 tonnes of variously sized aggregates has been placed in this system and 900 plants ( 3 each at 300 spots of various nitrate removing species) have been planted.
Water coming out of the baffle filter |
The system has just been commissioned for very controlled testing with some raw sewage as well as output from the existing STP and is seeming to work well.
Visibly Clean water - at the outlet point |
Once the treatment system stabilizes there is a plan to pipe this water back to the various houses for gardening. In the interim there are talks with a local organic farmer who will be willing to use this water for agriculture. With continuous recharge of ground water, frugal use of water , a sound tariff system that supports economic use , water education and now waste water treatment and reuse, Rainbow Drive is on its way to be a totally water sustainable layout. The design through till implementation has been a labour of love for the core committee which is keenly looking forward to the performance of the system. Our best wishes to them
Great news - KP Singh and team.
RBD continues to set benchmarks in water sustainability for residential complexes and even others.
Great work. Congratulations to rbd.
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