Davis Projects awarded the students US $10,000 for the project. They also managed to raise another US$ 4,850 from their college deans and president.
A completed rainwater harvesting system, acknowledging the donors :)

Hanpump provided for using the rainwater. In this school it will be used in the kitchen
Views around Pavagada
The students had first contacted Biome Trust in early 2010. Nathan Stell who was then working with the trust helped them extensively during the application process and to firm up the grant proposal. Nathan was also the one who encouraged them to raise more funds to maximise the impact of their work.
The Biome Trust then contacted a Karnataka based NGO called BIRD K (www.birdk.org.in) to help out with the project. BIRD K has done extensive work in the fluoride affected areas and accepted our suggestion of utilising this money effectively. They identified 5 schools located in villages around Pavagada where they could build rainwater collection systems. Main part of the work was building large tanks where the rooftop rainwater could be stored. We decided to build these tanks underground and the materials used were essentially bricks and cement.
One of the chosen schools in Kilarahalli village, Pavagada Taluk
Half pipes (gutters) to capture the rainwater coming off a sloping roof
Nitin, David and Lam stayed in Pavagada for a month to learn more and make sure that the project was moving in a satisfactory manner. Living out of a single room, they braved the odds to last out the entire month and even made friends while they were there :)
The students also worked with school children and educated them about the work that was happening. Any rainwater harvesting system needs to be constantly maintained in terms of keeping it clean and dust free. Towards this end, the Trinity kids helped form student committees who would take care of the system once it was implemented.
The students can be contacted at the following e mail id's
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