Friday, September 6, 2024

A Historic Milestone in Urban Water Management: The Ananda Sindhu Project Inauguration



We are thrilled to share the inauguration and formal handover of the Ananda Sindhu project, a transformative initiative designed to enhance water supply for Devanahalli by integrating shallow aquifer resources with a new water treatment plant. This innovative project now provides an additional 400 KL of drinking water daily to the Devanahalli Town Municipal Council’s water supply system, marking a significant advancement in urban water management. 

The Inauguration and Handing Over Events 

On August 30, 2024, the formal handover of the Ananda Sindhu project was carried out by key stakeholders including Carl Zeiss, Rotary Bangalore South Parade, and Biome Environmental Trust, to the Devanahalli Town Municipal Council (TMC). The event was graced by prominent figures such as Mr. Hariprasad Padaki, Head of Operations at Vision Carl Zeiss, Rtn. Satish Madhavan, District Governor of Rotary International Dist. 3191, Mr. Vishwanath Srikantaiah, Founder Trustee of Biome Environmental Trust, and Mr. Shiva Murthy, RO of Devanahalli TMC. 


The official inauguration took place on September 1, 2024, with Shri. K.H. Muniyappa, Hon’ble Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Civil Supplies, Government of Karnataka, leading the ceremony. The event was further honored by the presence of Mr. C. Doddamalavaiah, Chief Officer of Devanahalli TMC, and Mr. Avinash Krishnamurthy, Team Lead of Biome Environmental Trust, among other esteemed dignitaries. 



Project Overview 

The Ananda Sindhu project is a pioneering effort that addresses Devanahalli’s water supply challenges through the integration of shallow aquifer resources with advanced water treatment technology. The project unfolded in two critical phases:


Phase 1: Recharging Water Sources 

Phase 1 was a component of the larger HN Valley project, which involved the transfer of 210 MLD of secondary treated domestic wastewater to 65 lakes across Bengaluru Urban, Bengaluru Rural, and Chikkaballapur Districts. Sihineeru Kere lake, situated near Devanahalli Fort, benefited from this treated water in conjunction with natural rainwater. This effort led to the rejuvenation of an old open well with the expertise of traditional well diggers from the Mannu Vaddar community and support from Say Trees, and the drilling of two new filter borewells of 100 feet depth to tap into the shallow aquifer. A water treatment plant was installed, to treat the water from this open well and filter borewells, providing 240 KL of water daily.

Phase 2: Enhancing Water Supply 

In Phase 2, the project expanded its capabilities by drilling four additional filter borewells, reconstructing an old 60 KL underground sump, and installing a new 400 KLD water treatment plant. Designed and implemented by Boson White Water, with significant contributions from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Biome Environmental Trust, the new plant features advanced filtration systems, including cartridge filters, activated carbon filters, UV systems, and chlorine dosing. This infrastructure aims to boost daily water supply by an additional 400 KL, bringing the total to 640 KL daily. The enhanced supply benefits approximately 5,000 residents across 7-8 wards in Devanahalli.



The treated water from both phases is stored in an underground sump near Sihineeru Kere lake and pumped to an overhead tank near Santhe Circle, from where it is distributed to the residents of Devanahalli. 

Project Impact 

Biome Environmental Trust has played a crucial role in this project, spearheading the integration of shallow aquifer management into Devanahalli’s water supply system. The project’s success can be attributed to their expertise and dedication, which have set a new benchmark for future urban water management projects.


During the inauguration, Mr. Vishwanath Srikantaiah emphasized the project's potential as a model for urban aquifer management. He noted the key impacts of the Ananda Sindhu project as:

  • - The project has demonstrated the potential of using shallow aquifers to meet Devanahalli’s entire 5.4 MLD water demand. This is a significant leap towards achieving water sustainability for the town. 

  • - The project features a highly energy-efficient design, requiring only 0.25 units of energy per 1,000 liters of water. This is the lowest energy requirement for any water project in India. 

  • - Aligning with AMRUT 2.0 guidelines, the project serves as a model for future urban aquifer management projects. Its success provides a replicable framework for other cities and towns across India. 

  • - The project has a direct positive impact on the quality of life and water security for the local community. 

  • - By recharging lakes and tapping into shallow aquifers, the project exemplifies innovative reuse of treated wastewater and natural rainwater, contributing to holistic water resource management. 




  • - Carl Zeiss and Rotary Bangalore South Parade for their financial and technical support. 

  • - Boson White Water for the design and implementation of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP). 

  • - EFI Foundation for their lake rejuvenation efforts.

  • - Say Trees for the well rejuvenation.

  • - ITC Limited for their training and awareness initiatives. 

  • - Wipro Foundation for providing instrumentation to establish a living lab for monitoring water quality and studying aquifer capacity. 

  • - Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for their role in designing the WTP and monitoring water quality.

  • - Well diggers and filter borewell drillers for their critical role in tapping the aquifer.

  • - Pump operators for running and maintaining the system.

  • - Devanahalli Town Municipal Council (TMC) for their essential support in providing permissions, maintaining infrastructure, and reconstructing the old 60 KL sump. 

  • - The Biome Environmental Trust team, including Vishwanath Srikantaiah, Avinash Krishnamurthy, Shivanand, Ayushi, Bhavani, Chethan, Apeksha, and Srivalli, for their dedicated contribution to the project’s success. 




Model for Replication 

The success of the Ananda Sindhu project has set a precedent for integrating shallow aquifer water with municipal supplies. This model has already been replicated in Hunasamaranahalli Town and is planned for Doddakere in Devanahalli and other gram panchayats and towns. 

We encourage you to support and advocate for sustainable water management initiatives like Ananda Sindhu. Share this story, raise awareness, and contribute to building a resilient water future for all. 


Written By:

Deeksha, Nikita, Shivanand

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