Sunday, November 9, 2014

Borewell pump test at SJR Verity

Yesterday (Nov 9, 2014), ACWADAM and Biome performed a pump test on one of the yielding borewells in SJR Verity which is located in Kasavanahalli road. This borewell is generally switched on for a period of 3 hours and switched off for 3 hours and then again the cycle restarts.

We started the test at around 830 AM by switching on the borewell and also measuring the static water level (distance between ground level and water level in the borewell). This level was around 17.5 m during the start of the pump test. We measured the yield or discharge rate of the borewell by catching the water falling in the sump in a 15 litre bucket and measuring the time taken for the same. Since we did not have a stop watch in both our mobile phones, played a song and stopped once the bucket got full to measure the time taken in minutes and seconds. The discharge rate came out to be 762 litres per hour. Subsequently, we kept measuring the static water level at every 5 minute interval and then at every 10 minute interval from the 40th minute. The discharge rate was again measured at the 90 minute and 150 minute mark respectively and it came out to be 692 litres per hour both times. The static water level stabilized at 19.4 m and we measured the levels till the 160th minute. Since the levels stabilized, we did not measure for 180 minutes.
For the recovery part, the borewell motor was switched off and then the rise in water levels was monitored. This rise was documented every 5 minutes for the first 40 minutes and then at a 10 minute interval. The rise stabilized at around the 16 m level and we recorded readings till the 150th minute mark.

Similar data collected from the other borewells would help us in getting a deeper understanding of the aquifer.

Thanks to SJR Verity residents for all the coordination.

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