Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Rainwater harvesting at Kannur Government School

Kannur government school gets water into the school sump from the Panchayat borewell. While this sump is big enough (~10000L), it doesn’t get filled up very often. Rainwater could be an additional source of water for the school. The roof area is ~162 sqm which can contribute 4400L of water in a short shower of 30mm. It's possible that approximately 200 days of water can be serviced through rainwater. The intent was to connect the rooftop downpipes, pass it through a filter and then connect to the existing sump. The rainwater will be used for all purposes- toilets, handwash, drinking. The school already has a UV filter for drinking.

Rainwater harvesting set up is as follows: 

A clean Rooftop
Connecting the downpipes
A filter
A sump to store the rainwater and 'to study on'
Water into the sump

Signages will be put up and pipes painted to show the rainwater flow direction and the process! We also plan to conduct water quality sessions with the school children so that water quality is tested for and safety is taken care for. 


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