Saturday, December 10, 2016

National Exposure Visit for Preparation of City Sanitation Plans for Ganga Basin Cities

On 8th December BIOME Trust helped CSE organise visits to Rainbow Drive and Jakkur STP/lake to observe the initiatives taken for wastewater management at neighbourhood scale. The participants included commissioners, chairperson, city managers, sanitation inspectors, civil engineers, urban planners etc of urban local bodies from 10 cities of the Ganga basin.

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi in partnership and support of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), Ministry of Urban Development and National Mission Clean Ganga (NMCG), Ministry of Water Resources for River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India is organising the handholding trainings for capacitating municipal functionaries of 10 selected Ganga basin cities on preparation of city sanitation plans.

The initiative is aimed at capacitating urban local bodies and other stakeholders to help achieve convergence of national programmes namely - NMCG (Namami Gange), AMRUT, SBM programme in identified flagship town /cities by planning for city wide sanitation including non-sewered areas and identification of interventions for effective wastewater /septage management.

This is in continuation to the second hand-holding training schedule on 05th-07th December, 2016. The second training "Preparation of City Sanitation Plan- City's Journey Beyond ODF- Part II" is being combined with a National Field Exposure Visit, where the aim is to introduce participants to BMPs of wastewater/septage management on ground.

The entire team

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