Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Biome's stall at "Oota from your Thota"

On 28th August 2022, the 40th event of ‘Oota from your Thota’ was organized by Rotary Jalahalli in association with Hosachiguru in HMT grounds, Jalahalli. Observed on World Kitchen Garden day, the focus of this event was to promote and enable the growing of food in urban kitchen gardens sustainably.

Biome was among the invites that included a well-balanced mix of vendors, practitioners and enthusiasts. The focus was on spreading awareness about sustainable water management practices in urban spaces.

The Biome team set the assigned stall up with posters, banners, booklets and other info-graphic printed material to attract visitors. Among the hubbub of the working display models and products put up for sale, the team was pleasantly surprised to have encountered a continuous flow of visitors throughout the day. About 30 people also signed up for more details via email about our work.

Biome stall at OFYT

Enquiries included concerns about water management in not just urban houses but also small and large-scale farms. Most farm enquiries were about providing sustainable water management solutions in lands with drying borewells, whereas enquiries from urban houses mainly included queries about rooftop rainwater harvesting and flood mitigation strategies in small spaces. We also received enthusiastic enquiries about lake restoration and citizen engagement in societies for sustainable water management practices.

The day ended with a satisfied bunch of visitors of varied age groups along with happy Biome representatives.

Understanding simple water management techniques

Understanding rooftop rainwater harvesting

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