Monday, January 10, 2022

Rejuvenation of an Old Open Well in Forest Department park, Madiwala Lake

1.0 Overview and Background

Madiwala lake is situated in BTM layout in East Bangalore. It is one of the biggest lakes in Bangalore spread over an area of 114.3 hectare. Legend has it that the lake was built by the Cholas in a day. It is a home to many migratory birds. The lake comes under the administration of Karnataka State Forest Department which carries out the routine maintenance of this lake. There is a children's park as well.

Next to the forest Department office there is an open well which receives rooftop rainwater. The depth of the well is 9ft. The well is 10ft diameter and 9 ft deep and acts as a recharge well. There is water at 3ft blg. So far, It has not had water in summer.  This well was deepened further so that it receives water from the aquifer and has water through the year, and can become a source of water for the plants in the nursery.

Location of Madiwala well, 13th Cross, 29th Main, BTM 2nd Stage, adjacent to Madiwala Lake

Open well, before rejuvenation 

2.0 Work done

The depth of the well has been increased by adding a smaller well of 5’ dia and 13’ deep, and thereby increasing the holding capacity of the well from 20 KL to 27 KL . 

Ramakrishna and team worked on this well, over 3-4 days. The smaller well was dug and 14 rings were added subsequently. The surrounding paved area water has been sloped to ensure water goes into the silt trap before entering the well. The well grill has been painted and a motor connection was given to draw water. 

Deepening of the well with an inner well of 5ft dia and 13’ depth


Left: Well after the concrete rings have been added, and jelly around the side. 

Right: Alum added to the water, and submersible pump installed with pipe connection


Grill painted and the well covered 

3.0 Observation

In one day, the water level came up to 5ft bgl. The water after 24 hours has recharged 20 KLD. 

Left: Rejuvenated open well with silt trap. Right: Pipe provision for pumping water for use in the gardens

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