Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Open Wells and Recharge Well at Puravankara Rest House Park, Bangalore

Rest House Park is located between Rest House Road on the eastern boundary, Rest House Cres Road on the northern boundary. The natural flow of water in the park is towards the entrance of the park, eastern boundary. The 9ft wide Rajakaluve or the storm water drain runs through the park from the west to the east. The lowest point of the park and the area around is at the entrance. The water table in this area is naturally high, and could be seen in the open well in the park and also in the neighbouring apartments.

Rest House Park

All the water from the park flows out into the stormwater drain running through the park. During heavy rains there have been cases of flooding near the entrance due to blockages in the drain and also since this is the lowest point, the entire area water gushes to this point. 

with The water requirement is approximately 6000L per day. The park had an open well which is 6ft diameter and 9ft depth and would yields around 1000L per day. Water from this well and Cauvery water was used in the garden. Puravankara group wanted to manage the water in the park better, and wanted to set an example of good water management practices at Rest House Park. Instead of using Cauvery water that is pumped from over 100 km for gardening, the local groundwater could be used. Simultaneously, the rainwater runoff from the park can be harvested to recharge the groundwater. 

Since the water from the existing well was not sufficient to maintain the park, 2 recharge wells, one open well and rejuvenating the existing open well were proposed and executed by Biome Environmental Trust so that the park can be maintained using groundwater and become independent of piped water. The entire project was funded by Puravankara Group.

Open wells and recharge well location at the park

The work was carried out by the well diggers Ramkrishna and team and Plumber Mohan in October 2021. Rain water coming towards the entrance was diverted to the new 5ft x10ft Recharge well close to the gate.  Water around the children's park area was diverted to new 4ft x10ft Recharge well next to it.  The existing well was cleaned, rings placed and a motor fixed.  A 4ft x 11ft well was dug next to the Cauvery water sump.  A motor was fixed to this well too. Water from both the wells can be used in the garden.  A meter has been fixed for the two open wells to measure the amount of water used. If required water from the recharge wells can also be used.  The water level in the wells was 3ft bgl. It was observed that the recovery rate of the well was 3 hours.   

Annually these wells have the potential to recharge 400,000 litres of water into the ground. Water from 2 open wells is used in the garden. Approximately 1.7 Lakh rupees per year is spent on piped water for the park. With the above intervention 1.8 Million Liters of piped water and 1.7 Lakh rupees will be saved per year. 

Some picture of the work below

Bhoomi Pooja 

Ramkrishna and team

Well diggers at work

After placing the rings and adding jelly around it

Grill cover 2ft below ground level

Well covered with slab and a silt trap before water reaching the well

Plumbing line connection to the well with a meter

Water from the well 

Communication board at the park

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