Saturday, December 11, 2021

NFSSM Alliance Presentation

On the 10th December 2021, NIUA had organized a consultation meet with the Alliance team. The presentations from the SCBP studies were conducted by the respective consultants. The aim of the consultation meet was to give constructive feedback on the studies. 

In the meeting,the two SCBP (Sanitation Capacity building Platform) NIUA studies were presented: 

  • The Practice of Sustainable Urban Sanitation: Learnings From Nine Indian Cities" from BIOME 
  • Characterization of Dewatered and Dried Sludge from STPs and FSTPs, Headed by Prof Kazmi - IIT Roorkee
Mr Vishwanath presented the BIOME study. The presentation was followed by a QnA by the participants. 


Link to the recording is here
Link to the presentation is here

- Rakshitha M L

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