Friday, September 3, 2021

Wells in public places in Bengaluru South

On 31st of August 2021, Rakshitha and Suma Rao visited 4 open wells in public places like parks, hospitals and lakes. There are two wells which could be rejuvenated. The findings from the visits are documented below:

  1. Matruchaya hospital well


  • Location: BBMP hospital, Jayanagar

  • No of wells: 1

  • Dimension: 13ft wide

  • Current Water level: 10ft

  • RWH implementation: Rooftop rainwater is led into the well (implemented around 10 years ago)

  • Purpose of water usage: Gardening

  • Rejuvenation works includes: Simple cleaning of the well and checking if the sewer lines are leaking and sought out the issue

  • Other information: 

They have 2 acres of campus

Dialysis unit requires a huge quantity of water where RO reject water is stored in a sump and reused for gardening. 

They buy about 6 loads of water tankers in a day. They pay about Rs.43,000 on Cauvery and water tankers. They are using borewell water only for an old age home.


  • Next steps: General Manager Mr.KSS Kamath is interested in taking up the rejuvenation / cleaning the well. They are looking for well diggers (and we suggested we could keep them in touch with the well diggers). They are planning to use the well water once the quality meets portable standards(since they are a hospital there have the concern of using the well water) to reduce Cauvery water and tanker water. 

2. Laxman Rao Park

Recharge well(left) and the well which is closed(right)

  • Location: Laxman Rao public park, Jayanagar

  • Dimension: 13ft wide

  • Current Water level: 2-3ft from the ground level

  • RWH implementation: The park has around 3-4 Recharge wells

  • Purpose of water usage: The well water is used for gardening regularly. They have one functional borewell which is put into use(and 2 defunct BWs). They have Cauvery connection but do not use it.  The well water extensively.

  • Rejuvenation works include: No rejuvenation required. 

  • Other information: There was another well which was closed. 

  • Next steps: Good to find out why one of the well was closed

3. BBMP Maternity Hospital


  • Location: Dasappa Maternity Hospital, Town Hall circle

  • Dimension: 13*

  • Current Water level: 6ft

  • RWH implementation: 

  • Purpose of water usage: No information

  • Rejuvenation works include: Water looks clean and clear. Well might not need a rejuvenation

  • Other information: More information needed 

  • Next steps: 

4. Madiwala lake well

  • Location: Madiwala Lake, BTM

  • Dimension: 10*9

  • Current Water level: 6ft

  • RWH implementation: Rooftop rainwater harvesting has been implemented. The well holds only rainwater as of now. 

  • Purpose of water usage: The well acts as a recharge well. Water is not been used

  • Rejuvenation works includes: Deepening the well. The idea to hit water and to have water even in summer. Well could be deepened for 10-15 more ft and 6ft diameter rings could be placed. 

  • Other information: 

The well is dug in the year 1995 and made using concrete rings

The lake area is 275acres and garden area is 9acres

The Range Forest Officer is very interested in taking up the rejuvenation works. They are happy to use the well water for gardening, if we could install a motor. Currently the lake water is used for gardening.

  • Next steps: Could directly start the rejuvenation works. Getting formal permission is very easy as RFO office in located right next to the well

- Rakshitha

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