Thursday, September 9, 2021

Visit to Moongate well on 9/8/2021

Rakshitha and Shivanand visited Moongate well on 9th of August 2021. The document captures the details about the well:

Moongate Events is an open convention centre located in Doddajala(13.169043,77.645674). The site is adjacent to Doddajala Lake. The lake has a catchment of hills called Akkayamma Betta. Moongate Events was constructed around 7years ago. It has a magnificent old open well which holds water. 

The well: 

  • The site was an agricultural land and was bought by the owner(Mr.Suraj’s family) around 45years ago. The well was existing even before the owner bought the land. Thus the well is at least 45years old. 

  • The well is stone lined and the accurate depth of the well is not known (the initial depth should be 30ft) and it is 22ft wider. 

  • The well is in good condition and maintained well by the owner. 

  • The well has a Pilbhavi(inner well) which is 10ft in diameter and 15ft in depth. 

  • The well has 10ft water currently. 

  • The well water has not been used for any purpose. 

  • The well used to have “Yeta”, a traditional water lifting device.

  • The well looks beautiful and unique in terms of an entry gate. It is further beautified using concrete rings

Deepening the well: Well digger Shankar has been associated with the well for 7years. He has built a parapet well for 4-5ft using mortar. He has cleaned the well 4 times. The water level in the well was low and Shankar was asked to deepen the well. He has deepened the well thrice. The well deepening details are given below:

  • 6ft diameter 5 concrete rings were used 

  • 5ft diameter 4 concrete rings

  • 4ft diameter 4 concrete rings

Well after cleaning on 9th August 2021

Well digger Shankar talks about the Moongate well- Click here to listen

- Rakshitha M L

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