Sunday, June 27, 2021

BIOME's presentation on NIUA's 45th anniversary, 2021

BIOME Environmental Solutions is currently doing a research study funded by National Institute for Urban Affairs (think tank of government of India) with its consortium partners "People in Center" and "Megh Pyne Abhiyan". The study is being carried out in a duration of 9 months starting from January 1st 2021 and ending on September 2021. the aim of the study is to explore the next generation of urban sanitation, wastewater and fecal sludge management challenges in India and contribute to the developing of a body of knowledge that can inform practice in the urban sanitation sector in India and elsewhere.

The study area focuses on formal and informal sanitation practices in 9 Indian cities from 5 states, which are described in the table below:

Mr.Vishwanth Srikantaiah is the research lead for the study and from BIOME Miss.Shubha Ramachandran and Mr.Avinash are also involved.

NIUA completed 45 years of operation. On this special occasion, on 24th June 2021, the study team participated in the webinar on "Formal and Informal Sanitation Practices: Learnings from 9 Indian cities".

Here is the poster for the webinar:

Listen to the recording of the event on Facebook here.
Here  is the link to NIUA's Twitter post

- Rakshitha M L

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