Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Open Well at the Lake View Maha Ganapathy temple : Near Ulsoor Lake

After the Ulsoor lake walk as part of SUBMERGE events early January 2020, we decided to look around for open wells in the vicinity. There had to be some

Lake View Maha Ganapathy temple by the lake side was our first stop. And yes, there was a well which had water and which was used as a source of water. According to the temple folks, this well is not very old. When the borewell ran dry they dug this well - about 20ft deep. Provides water for washing vessels, washing the temple and feet of the devotees.

Need to make another trip to understand the well and its story better

the maha ganapthy temple

the tap to which well water is pumped

the well - temple rear

the storm water drain that flows adjacent to the temple

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