Thursday, January 9, 2020

Part 3: Who to approach when you see fish kill?

Fish kills can happen due to various reasons, one major cause of fish kill is variation in dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. DO levels can change when raw sewage is discharged into the lake or due to temperature changes. When fish kill is seen at a lake, the lake custodian should be the first point of contact, who will then bring it up to the Department of Fisheries. BBMP is the lake custodian at most lakes. BBMP can be contacted through phone on 080-22660000 or through email at This is a list of contacts at the Lake Department found on the BBMP website, the english translation of the same list can be found here.

Some lake groups have signed an MoU with BBMP and are the primary lake custodian. More information on which lake groups have signed an MoU can be found here, ( 

Refer to our previous blog here, on how to respond to bird kills at a lake.

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