Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wipro Water Volunteers Workshop

Biome along with Wipro organised a workshop for Wipro water volunteers on the 25th of May 2019. Over 15 volunteers gathered at Kaikondrahalli Lake amphitheater. Everyone shared their reason for being part of the group. Some of the reasons were 

  • That the borewells were dry and dependent on tanker water
  • To figure water from the apartment can be sent to recharge wells in a public space as they do not have space in their apartment to dig recharge wells.
  • Few were engaged in rejuvenation of lake near their community.  This would help in ground water recharge
  • Some were interested in knowing about rain water harvesting
  • And some to understand the water situation in the city
  • To know more about Water Meter in apartments
  • Cost and maintenance of STP in apartment and communities
  • Water quality testing

Shubha from Biome shared history of water in the city and issue with respect to fresh water and wastewater. Wider issues for urban planning and design were also discussed.

The group thought that small workshops for the following would be useful
  • Getting trained on basic plumbing
  • Fixing aerators (home/apartment/office) to reduce water consumption

One of the ideas that came out of the discussion was
  • Grey water and black water to be separated at source. Smaller capacity STP for treating black water. This will reduce the load on the area level STP

The group has decided to meet often and discuss progress/issues related to Water.

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