Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Tree Plantation in Arsenahalli and Gangavara Government School

Biome Environmental Trust (Biome) has installed Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) system in 10 government schools around Devanahalli. This project is supported by Wipro Cares and Wipro Aerospace & Defence Plant, Devanahalli.

As part of the program, Wipro employees have visited the government schools. One of the observations from the school visit and after interacting with the teachers in the school has been that many of the schools’ lack ‘green spaces’ inside the campus. The schools have large open land which is either used as a playground or otherwise remains unused and not maintained.

On occasion of World Environment Day 2018, Wipro and Biome conducted a tree plantation activity in 2 schools, out of 10 schools. The two schools were Arsenahalli higher primary school and Gangavara higher primary school. The intent was to increase the green cover as well as engage with the students, staff and the community.

Wipro volunteers, HEADS (a partner organization of Wipro engaging on health aspects) and Biome participated in the event. The event started with Biome team explaining RWH in the school, HEADS team spoke about importance of health and hygiene to the students and Wipro employees engaged with students on the theme of World Environment Day i.e. beat plastic pollution. After the introductions, the plantation activity was started. Below pictures capture the event:

1 comment:

  1. Aahwahan foundation doing tree plnation in ngo for tree plantation in chennai . we are of one of the ngo

    who doing tree plantation.
