Thursday, February 9, 2017

BIOME Trust at the Stakeholder Consultation Meeting with World Bank on National Groundwater Management & Improvement Project

 The World Bank is presently under discussion with the Government of India on the National Groundwater Management & Improvement Project (NGMIP).  The focus of the project is in the 5 States of the country. The project will run over 5 years
Partnership with the Private Sector towards Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources is one of the important aspects of NGMIP. The Bank is very keen to initiate dialogue and develop partnership with India’s Corporates, Experts and Water focused NGOs that have interest (or are currently involved) in improving India’s Groundwater resources.

A stakeholder consultation meeting was held with select Experts, leading NGOs & Corporate Leaders  to meet with the team of the World Bank on January 17th at Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industries (BCCI). BIOME was invited to speak on Urban groundwater management at this session

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