Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Guest Speaker MS Ramaiah Medical College: "Urbanisation and waste water management"

MS Ramaiah Medical College conducts Interdisciplinary Community Orientation Programme, an innovative programme organized to sensitize the medical and dental students to the realities of urban and rural issues. This programme has reached its thirteenth year. Since last year nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy students are also participating in this program.  
The objectives of this programme are: -
1)        Ensure value education through service to marginalized groups-people living in villages/slums.
2)        Strengthen skill and attitude input to UG students to help them serve later as effective doctors and leaders in the society.
3)        Help the institution to work towards increased social accountability-in its service, training and research endeavors in undergraduate curriculum.
4)        Help the students develop appropriate communication skills.
In this context BIOME Trust was asked to deliver a talk on "Urbanisation and waste water management".

DATE: 29/11/2016
TIMINGS: 11.15 -12.15pm

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