Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pre-conditions to get Permission to dig a new Borewell

Do you know that, if you are drilling a new Borewell you need permission to drill one.

Under the Section 11 of the Karnataka Ground Water (Regulation and Control of Development and Management) Act, 2011 and Rules, 2012.  It is mandatory to apply for permit to dig new borewells.
Under section 12 and 13, it is mandatory to register the existing borewells and drilling agencies with the BWSSB, if you are in the BBMP jurisdiction area. You need to apply with the local government authority for the BDA jurisdiction region.

As per the notification issued by the Karnataka Groundwater Authority and signed by Member secretary, Department of Mines and Geology, all of Bangalore is declared “Notified” based on the groundwater availability and extraction. Hence, a permit is required to dig borewells.

All the users be it individual household, farmers, industries, commercial establishments, drilling agencies etc. who extract and use groundwater in Karnataka come under purview of the law

There are pre-conditions laid for individual household, when permission is sought for withdrawal of groundwater. They are:

  • Only one tube-well is allowed to meet drinking and domestic purposes use only.
  • No tube-well/bore-well will be constructed, if any working tube-well exists. If the existing tube-well is non-functional/to be replaced, then it should into a recharge well, if possible or possibly sealed and no water be pumped from it.
  • The persons intending to construct a new tube-well will intimate the Authorizing officer/committee, 10 days in advance along with the drilling agency’s name and address.
  • Maximum diameter of the tube-well should be restricted to 152 mm only and the capacity of the pump should not exceed 2HP.
  • Concurrent with the construction of the tube-well, the owner shall undertake the installation of Rainwater harvesting in the premises.
  • Details of the drilling like the rock formation encountered, the depth and diameter of the constructed bore-well, types of pipes used, yield of the bore-well and groundwater quality shall be kept for record and are to be provided at the time of inspection.
  • Spacing of 500 mtrs should be maintained from the existing public source of drinking water as per section 3 of the Groundwater act of 1999

Therefore, if you are drilling a new Borewell or have an existing Borewell, remember these conditions set by the regulations.

All documents are referred from the below link

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