Saturday, June 4, 2016

A session on RWH with the Bangalore East Eerulies on 28th May 2016

Looking into the filter
The group
28th May 2016 Saturday was well spent. A good session on Rainwater Harvesting - with a cool/green bunch. The Bangalore East Eerulies. A group of avid gardeners.  The site visit included seeing an active open well, full of water that is still used as a source of domestic water. A rainway filter. A ferrocement filter - well integrated into the home design. All this in a mud-brick home designed by Biome Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd. Thanks Anjana, Rama, Sharath Nayak, Vani Bhaskar for helping put together this event

It was interesting to hear of homes that already had open wells in Domlur
Recharge Well
Rama points out the recharge Well
A makeshift board

The group

Rainway Filter

The well has water

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