Sunday, April 3, 2016

At Madiwala lake with students from Brindavana Education Trust

A winter morning in 2015 was well spent beside Madiwala Lake in discussion with the children of Brindavan Education Trust about the functions of lakes, the sources of water for the lakes and  performing small water quality tests

This field work was part of Environmental Science LABORATORY for Senior Secondary Course of NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OPEN SCHOOLING. The curriculum prescribed the study of a simple ecosystem (Suggested habitats: pond, river, estuarine, grassland, forest and desert) and description of the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem.

Brindavan centre is a coeducational day program for children of ages 9 to 18. The ethos at Brindavan is basic, yet rooted in the belief that every dyslexic child can be helped to achieve and work up to their potential. Every aspect of the education provided is designed to support the children as they meet the challenge of bridging the gap between potential and performance and prepare them for a successful and fulfilled adult life.


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