Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Rainwater Harvesting System for his Alma Mater

2 old friends - designing a rainwater filter
Mr Venkataswamy Reddy (one of the contractors who helps us implement rainwater harvesting) decided that he should contribute towards a RWH system for his school ( Swamy Vivekananda Rural English Medium High School in Chandpura). And what better way to help out than providing his knowledge and experience to implement a RWH system in the school. He had completed classes 8 to 10 in this school and was the first batch to join this school in 1963. He says he owes a lot of who he is right now to this school.

The school has close to 4000sqm of rooftop with a potential to harvest upto 3 million litres of water annually. Keeping this in mind a 2 lakh liter rainwater storage tank has been created. The overflow from the tank is let into a dried up borewell for ground water recharge. A large silt trap and filter has also been designed, and implementation is currently underway.
Checking the static water level in the borewell

Mr Venkatesh Reddy (a classmate of Mr VV Reddy from their school days) is ensuring that the implementation gets done.

Both these ex-students (Mr Venkataswamy and Mr Venkatesh) are taking a lot of pride in their work and contributing diligently to their alma mater. They also reminisce the days when just alongside their school the Chandapura kere would be close to overflowing for most parts of the year. Their next plan is to ensure ground water recharge

The school with the downtake pipes
Filter work in progress


  1. What a wonderful story and what a wonderful person. At his age to pick up and carry forward rainwater harvesting with such zeal is simply amazing. Let us hope for good rains and that the students of the school get a good knowledge on how to manage water wisely.

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