Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Five Large Open Wells near Madiwala Market

Clear Water in one of the wells
There are 5 large, (of diameter greater than 20ft)  open  and perennially yielding wells in the KSRP (Karnataka State Reserve Police) campus in Madiwala. Since there is BWSSB water supply in the area, the well water is currently not used for domestic purposes. Lately the well water has not been tested either. But people on the campus are convinced that this water is of potable quality. Very many years ago this water was used for all domestic purposes.

Will these wells continue to yield water as construction activities around the lakes (that possibly feed these wells ) ensures that there is very little ground water recharge ?

You can see the Silk board
flyover from one of the wells
Water from the well is still pumped and used
Organic matter in the well

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing useful information. However, when it comes to Madiwala lake, its park areas include a children's park and a parking, making it the ideal place for a picnic. Click here to know more about Madiwala lake.
