Monday, February 25, 2013

Kids and Water Management in an Apartment

Brigade Gardenia organized a "Water Workshop" for the kids (primarily) and everybody else in the apartment to sensitize them to the water sources, water consumption and waste water treatment and reuse in the apartment. It was an interactive session which started with some reading from a very beautiful story " House of Sun and Moon - A Story from Nigeria" by one of the little girls in the apartment. This was followed up with some very good discussions and ideas from the children on what they could do going ahead to be more conscious and responsible with their water usage. Subsequently on Republic Day a stall was put up by the residents to disseminate information on water conservation .
Story reading by a little girl
The Water Kiosk on Republic Day

Biome and kids interaction
The audience

The poster inviting all
The Water Information center


  1. It would be good to list some of the ideas that the kids came out with. Great work.

  2. A link to the complete story is here :

    It is from Tulika Books :

  3. Not the complete story - but a preview
